From the School Nurse


CCSS School Nurse

Katie Gosser, BSN, RN


CCSS School Nurse

Kristen Efford, BSN, RN

Nurse Carole

CCSS School Nurse 1-1

Carole Campbell, BSN, RN

Nursing Notes

A student health history will be sent home every year.  This information is extremely important to the school nurse.  Please complete the form accurately and return promptly.  During the year if there is a change of address or phone number, or physician or status of health, please notify the school nurse so the changes can be made.  If your child has a special health problem that the school nurse should be made aware of please call the nurse during school hours.  This includes extended absences for health reasons.

During the school year, the nurse will be conducting vision and hearing screenings for students. These include all new students, failures from the previous year who did not follow through with physician visits and requests from teachers.  If you do not want your child screened, please notify the school nurse.

The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has requirements for several immunizations.  When your child receives any immunizations during the school year, please send a copy of the physician’s record to the nurse so they can be included in your child’s health record.

A physical exam is required for all students from out of state and entering a Maryland school for the first time.  This must be completed 9 months prior to entering the school or 6 months after entering the system.

The medication policy remains the same as in previous years.  School personnel, including the nurse may not administer or provide any medication including over the counter medications such as cough drops.  Prescription medication can be administered only if the medication is in the original container with the student’s name and dosage appearing on the container.  A physician’s order must accompany the medicine and be signed by the physician and parent.  All medicines must be transported by an adult to the school nurse.

If your child has a need to be excluded from a physical activity a physician’s note is required.  The note must indicate the length of time for exclusion and the activity to be excluded.

If your child experiences any of the following symptoms, please do not send them to school:

  • EYES:  thick mucus or pus draining from the eye or pink eye (conjunctivitis)

  • FEVER:  temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

  • GREENISH NOSE DISCHARGE AND/OR CHRONIC COUGH:  should be seen by a health care provider.  These conditions may be contagious and require treatment.

  • SORE THROAT:  especially with fever or swollen glands in the neck.

  • DIARRHEA:  3 or more watery stools in a 24 hours period especially if the child acts or looks ill.

  • VOMITING:  vomiting within the past 24 hours

  • RASH:  body rash, especially with fever or itching.  Diaper rashes, heat rashes and allergic reactions are not contagious.

  • LICE, SCABIES:  children may not return to school until they have been treated and are free of lice and nits (eggs).  Children with scabies can be admitted after proof of treatment.  Children must be cleared to return by the school nurse.


Children must be free of fever, diarrhea, vomiting for 24-48 hours without use of medication.

Ear infections without fever:  do not need to be excluded, but the child needs to get medical treatment and follow-up.  Untreated ear infections can cause permanent hearing loss.

Please read the Worcester County Handbook/Calendar for additional information or contact the school nurse with any questions


Staying Informed

It is extremely important that the school be kept informed of changes in telephone numbers and residences. If your child becomes ill or injured at school the nurse needs updated telephone numbers where parents can be reached. The school nurse also needs to be informed of any medication changes.

Health room
